Thursday, November 10, 2011

Interview with HEDON CRIES (Greece)


Hedon Cries is a very unique melodic death/doom metal band hailing from Argos, Greece.  This ensemble is certainly no stranger to the game, as their latest offering, “The End of the Path is Nigh…”, is their third full length album. 

It’s also free to download.  Get it here:

This is some great stuff, so be sure to take them up on their gracious offer of FREE, GOOD music.  Also, check out the following link to get a sample of what Hedon Cries’ latest release is all about:

Hedon Cries were also nice enough to take the time and have a brief chat about the band and “The End of the Path is Nigh…”.

SoB:  First off, thank you very much for doing the interview!  Can you fill us in on the history of the band?

We would like to thank you for this opportunity to be featured in your zine! Hedon Cries was born back in 2001 and two years later our debut album “Hate Into Grief” was released through Sleaszy Rider Records. It was followed by several gigs with bands like Saturnus and Mourning Beloveth and then in 2007 it was time for our second album “Affliction’s Fiction”. At that time there were some line up changes,  Gregory and Andreas left the band and were replaced by Stathis and Christos with the addition of Thanos in keyboards. We decided to break the contract with our label and continue the path based on our own forces. We had to build our own studio and after a long recording process finally “The End Of The Path Is Nigh…” is out now!

Congratulations on the release of “The End of the Path is Nigh...”, I love the atmosphere and harmony created by the guitar work.  How do you guys think you’ve progressed musically since your 2003 release, “Hate into Grief”?

“Hate Into Grief” was our first album and 8 years have passed since then. The main differences or signs of progress, call it what you like, are reflecting in the structure of our songs. We now prefer to have a variety of sounds in each song. In 4 minutes or so you can hear death metal riffs followed by melodic doom melodies instead of having a pure death metal song and a pure doom song. The sound of the band now is more personal and this comes as a result of getting older and “wiser”, you know what I mean. I want to believe we have managed to blend our influences with our personal sound in a much better way.  

Can you describe Hedon Cries’ song writing process? 

As I told you before, we now have our own studio and this is where everything begins. We have plenty of time to create, record and edit our ideas in order to present the best possible result. We record some guides first and then we experiment with the ideas that come after that. All guitars and bass are recorded in our own studio and this gives us the benefit to have all the time we need. We are in no hurry of several deadlines and I believe that when you are in your own place without any sign of pressure the result comes more natural. Mixing and mastering follows in another studio. This time we did it here in Greece but there are thoughts for our next releases to travel abroad in a well-known studio for the final touches of our albums. But these are only thoughts and will be considered at the appropriate time. 

When will the new album, “The End of the Path is Nigh…”, be available on vinyl?  

I can’t give you a specific date for that yet. We are all fans of vinyl, we think it represent in a better way the artwork of a release and we want the best possible result in sound quality so we have to be sure that the factory we will choose will be the right one. There are many cheap ones but we seek quality. Hopefully it won’t take too long. But till then everyone can download our album in good quality through our Official Homepage!

Has it been relatively easy to stay together as a band?  Seven years is a long time for a band to stay together.  Sometimes two weeks is too long.

It hasn’t been easy at all as the members of the band live in different cities and the distance is the major difficulty we have to face. But the fact that we are all friends helps. We are not a band based on the musician’s skills primary. What matters the most is the character of each one and that’s why things keep going. 

What bands are you guys currently listening to?  

As a band we have a variety of listenings. But I will speak for myself. I currently enjoy the new My Dying Bride EP that just came out and it’s very different but still sad and bitter! Other than that, no particular bands, just good music!

How is the metal scene in Greece?  Are there gigs a-plenty or is it slim pickings?  

Some years ago there were only a few gigs and people used to complain about that. Now we have plenty of gigs but people don’t seem to follow them all. They prefer the major metal bands and I think that has to do with the very expensive tickets here and our bad financial status as a country at the moment. 

Have you guys ever done any touring outside of Greece?

No and I don’t think this will be possible at the moment due to our jobs. Only some gigs here in Greece.

What’s on the horizon for Hedon Cries?  Are you guys going to stay on the path of independently releasing your music or are you looking to get picked up by a label?  

Going independently is the path we are into and we will stay on that for sure! We’re kind of fed up with labels and I really don’t think they have many things to offer you in our days apart from some gigs. We don’t play gigs so why should we be in a label? Our previous experience wasn’t that good so we prefer doing everything by our own.

Anything else you’d like to add before we wrap up?

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be presented on your page and for your support. And of course, once again, our new album is available as a free download through our homepage so guys just give it a listen and tell us what you think about it. Greetings from Hellas!

Thanks again for taking the time to do this interview.  The new album sounds killer and Steel on Bone wishes you guys all the best!